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Return policy is applicable for all India deliveries only.
Click here To return the item kindly reach out to us on +91 98333 35833. A return request must be submitted to initiate the return process.
You may return your Falguni Shane Peacock Online Store purchase, including sale items, by sending it back to Falguni Shane Peacock Online Store.
Returns will only be accepted on items within 7 days from the date of delivery. Items returned outside their respective period will not be accepted.
Items must be in original condition (including tags) and must not have been worn, altered or washed. Items must not have been used in photography shoots, Instagram posts, online, commercially or for personal gain. All packaging (including garment bags) shipped with your order must be returned.
We recommend trying on all purchased items as soon as they are received, to ensure adequate time to return items within our returns timeframe.
As per returns policy we are able to exchange an item for size only. No exchange is allowed for another item.
If you wish to exchange for another size, you can do this through our online store or simply return it for a store credit.
No refunds unless required by law; Returns other than for faulty goods must be made informed within 7 days for a store credit.
Purchases made in Falguni Shane Peacock stores cannot be returned to the Online Store.
No exchange or returns are acceptable on swimwear.
The above policy only applies to the Falguni Shane Peacock Online Store.
No refunds unless required by law; Returns other than for faulty goods must be made informed within 7 days for a store credit.
Purchases made in Falguni Shane Peacock stores cannot be returned to the Online Store.
When will I receive my refund?
Once your return has been received by us and it complies with our returns policy, we will credit the refund amount on your account with store credits. Under exceptional cases (for damaged merchandise or incorrect shipments) we will return the refund amount to the original method of payment used to place the order. Refunds will show on your account 4-5 business days from the day we receive your returned item.
Under exceptional cases (ex. damaged products, incorrect products) we can return refunds to the original payment method you used to place your order. Please be aware that in this case, payments can take up to 14 working days to process depending on your bank or payment provider.